From the course: JMeter: Performance and Load Testing

Installing JMeter and JRE

- [Instructor] Installing JMeter and the Java Runtime Environment is a simple process on both Mac and Windows. First things first, I need to download the latest Java Runtime Environment. I'm going to search for the JRE download site. I'm going to scroll down and accept the Terms and Conditions and then select my flavor of operating system. Once downloaded, I can double-click on the file, follow the wizard, and install the latest version of JRE. You can use either version 9 or 10 for this, but version 8 is the minimum for JMeter. Simply clicking through the wizard will allow you to install it. Once that's done, I'm going to hop back to the browser and search for Apache JMeter. I'm going to download the latest version. Regardless of platform, I'm not actually installing anything for JMeter, I'm only downloading something. So I'm going to select the binaries, meaning there's no installation, as such. On Windows, the process is exactly the same. Now we're going to the JRE download site, downloading the JRE, clicking on it, and installing it. After the JRE is installed, you simply go the Apache JMeter website, download the latest version, and that's it. With JMeter downloaded, and the JRE updated to the latest version, I'm ready to move on to installing plugins.
