From the course: Jira: Managing Custom Workflows
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Translating requirements - Jira Tutorial
From the course: Jira: Managing Custom Workflows
Translating requirements
Now it's time to translate all the requirements info we've collected into settings that Jira understands. Let's map the flowcharts we've drawn into Jira Speak. Let's go back to our gardening process example. We'll use the first phase to illustrate the mapping and documentation process in this section. After we've determined our phases, we select a standard or custom Jira status for each. For the first phase, I chose the existing backlog status. Then we considered the type of transitions needed to best support the process. For this workflow, I chose to use forward, backward, and alternate transitions instead of global. By the way, there's no reason to use all transition types in a single workflow. Just like in other areas of Jira, use the minimum number of features needed to accomplish the goal. Since this is the first status, there's no incoming transition. To move forward to the next status, I created an outgoing transition called Start Prep. This transition moves the issue from the…
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