From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Solution: Create artifacts and reports

Solution: Create artifacts and reports - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Solution: Create artifacts and reports

- We've got a lot to cover in this challenge, so I'm just going to jump right in. I'm starting here on the Manage Jenkins homepage because there are two things that we need to have in place before we get started. First, I need a global tool configuration for Maven, and second, I need to make sure the JUnit plugin is installed. Starting with Maven, I'll click global tool configuration and then scroll down to the bottom of this page and click manage installations. I already have a Maven installation in place named Maven 384. So this is the one that I'll be referring to in my pipeline. I'll click save to get back to manage Jenkins and then go to manage plugins. Here I want to look on the installed tab and I'm going to filter for JUnit. And there's the plugin I'm looking for, the JUnit plugin. With this in place, I'll be able to use a JUnit step to collect any test reports generated by the pipeline. Okay, let's look at this…
