From the course: Jenkins Essential Training
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Parameterize a pipeline - Jenkins Tutorial
From the course: Jenkins Essential Training
Parameterize a pipeline
- [Instructor] We've seen how Jenkins lets us use variables in a pipeline. Parameters are another type of variable that get their values at the time the job is triggered. Parameters are defined in a parameters block, which is placed at the beginning of the pipeline code. Much like we've seen with environment variables, parameters are accessed by their name proceeded by the params prefix. And if they're used in a string, they need to have a dollar sign at the beginning and can also be wrapped in curly braces. Each parameter definition must include a name, a default value, and a description that explains the type of value that should be entered. Typically parameter names are assigned using all capital letters, so they can be easily identified in the code. For pipelines, there are five different types of parameters we can use. Strings, blocks of text, booleans, choices, and passwords. String and text…
Create a pipeline project1m 14s
Create a declarative pipeline4m 38s
Use the pipeline Snippet Generator4m 24s
Use variables in a pipeline5m 8s
Parameterize a pipeline4m 48s
Use conditional expressions and manual approvals4m 31s
Challenge: Develop a parameterized pipeline2m 15s
Solution: Develop a parameterized pipeline10m 7s