From the course: Jenkins Essential Training
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Connect Jenkins to GitHub - Jenkins Tutorial
From the course: Jenkins Essential Training
Connect Jenkins to GitHub
- [Instructor] Now that we've seen the benefit of using a Jenkins file from a source control system, let's go over the steps needed to connect Jenkins to a GitHub repository, and then we'll use a change in the repo to trigger a build in Jenkins. If you're following along with this demonstration, you'll need to have a Jenkins server that is publicly accessible and a GitHub account. I'm starting here in the exercise files so I can grab a copy of the Jenkins file for this lesson. All I need to do is click this icon to copy the Jenkins file to my clipboard. Now, I can go to a new repository that I'll be using to integrate with Jenkins. In the new repository, I'll add the Jenkins file by clicking Add file, Create new file, and then naming the file Jenkinsfile. And then I'll paste in the contents from the exercise file. And if I scroll down to the bottom of this screen, I want to commit this directly to the main branch so I'll…