From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

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Challenge: Improve a Docker agent pipeline

Challenge: Improve a Docker agent pipeline - Jenkins Tutorial

From the course: Jenkins Essential Training

Challenge: Improve a Docker agent pipeline

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] It's time for a challenge. You're an open source developer contributing to the Hugo Project. A static site generator developed in Golang. You're using a Jenkins pipeline with a Docker agent to validate your changes. However, you're finding that your pipeline is taking a long time in the build stage. You do some research and find that your build is downloading dependencies on each run of the pipeline. After discussing the issue with a team member, you find that you can speed up your builds by moving the dependency cache into the project workspace. To solve this challenge, set up a Jenkins server that can use Docker agents in a pipeline. You'll need to have Docker installed on the Jenkins server. You'll also need to install the Docker Pipeline plugin. Use the exercise files for this lesson to create the pipeline job that builds and tests the Hugo application. Run the pipeline once to see how…
