From the course: JavaScript: Web Form Programming
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Challenge: Autofill
From the course: JavaScript: Web Form Programming
Challenge: Autofill
(bright music) - [Instructor] All right, let's try an autofill programming challenge. Now, in this challenge, you're going to implement a form that you've probably seen on a lot of eCommerce websites. So this form has a section for me to enter a shipping address and some shipping information, right? And it also has a section for billing along with credit card information. Now, at the time of this recording, some browsers like Chrome and Edge don't let you autofill credit card data because they don't treat local hosts as a secure origin. So if you're running this on a local server on your machine, this won't work. So I'm going to use Firefox to test this. And at the time of this recording, you'll have to make a configuration change for this to work. So if you open a new tab and you go to about:config, and then if you search on autofill, you'll see these two options right here, there's creditCards.available and…
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