From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
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Callbacks - JavaScript Tutorial
From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
- [Instructor] Sometimes we have two functions and we want to control the sequence at which they execute. This typically happens if one function relies on the output of another function for data or when one function has to wait for another function to complete before doing something. One way of handling this type of function sequencing is through what's known as a callback function and this is a traditional method for handling this type of problem and you will come across it all the time. In the exercise files for this movie I've updated our tip calculator example a little bit. So from the bottom, the tip calculator function now creates an object named final tip with all of the data. This object uses the format or function we created previously to format the number values and nothing is new here, except for that object. What is new is directly above here is this new callback function called…
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The real-world function2m 49s
Functions and methods6m 23s
A standard function3m 53s
The arrow function4m 49s
Arrow functions and "this"4m 20s
Practice: Build a function1m 31s
Pass data to a function with parameters4m 56s
Return values from a function7m 1s
Practice: Pass values between functions2m 33s
Callbacks5m 29s
Conditional if...else statement5m 52s
Logical operators3m 31s
Conditional switch statement5m 55s
Looping through content5m 19s
Using the map() array method4m 52s
Challenge intro: Create a content factory2m 36s
Solution: Create a content factory5m 21s