From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
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Assignment vs. comparison - JavaScript Tutorial
From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
Assignment vs. comparison
- [Instructor] You've probably noticed in JavaScript, the equal symbol is not used the same way we use it in math. In JavaScript, the equal symbol means assignment. The value on the right side is assigned to the container on the left. Anytime you see a single equal symbol, it's an assignment of a value to a variable. We also use equal symbols for comparison and that's what you see down here. We have two equal symbols next to one another, And that says, we're looking to see if the value of A equals the value of B. Are they the same or not? This code example in the exercise files is a really basic example to demonstrate how these different comparisons work. What we're doing here is just assigning a value to A and B and then we're console logging out, what the values are and also the type of data that's inside, each of these variables. Why we're doing that will become apparent in the second. Then we use a basic conditional…
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Var3m 15s
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Const2m 58s
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Assignment vs. comparison4m 35s
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Solution: Calculate sales tax3m 30s