From the course: IT and Cybersecurity Risk Management Essential Training
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Choosing an IT risk management framework
From the course: IT and Cybersecurity Risk Management Essential Training
Choosing an IT risk management framework
- [Instructor] When you begin to examine IT risk management frameworks and compare them, you begin to realize that there's actually very little agreement between them on the surface. Each standard is organized a little differently and they use different terminology. So far in this course, I've been using generic terms to describe IT risk management at a high level but now we're going to have to dig in a little more deeply into specific standards and use their specific terminology. And we're going to do this because sooner or later, you're going to need to pick one and adopt its unique perspective on the topic. Let's start by looking at the ISO 31000 family of risk management standards. The 31000 series is not IT specific but there are three noteworthy standards. First, there's ISO 31010: Risk Assessment Techniques, which I've mentioned to you in a previous lesson. Then there's ISO 31000, which contains guidelines for risk…
Performing the IT risk assessment4m 29s
Choosing an IT risk management framework4m 21s
Choosing an IT risk management tool2m 48s
Determining an acceptable level of IT risk3m 16s
Using an IT risk register4m 30s
IT risk management techniques6m 39s