From the course: ISC2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) (2023) Cert Prep

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User consent

User consent

- [Narrator] Although users are gradually becoming more security and privacy conscious, chances are that you have a lot more knowledge and experience in this space than they do. If your application asks users to input their private data, most of them will do it without a second thought, especially if they want the goods or services that your application provides. The users trust that you are doing the right thing with their data, but this responsibility isn't entirely one-sided. You can and should have some sort of dialogue with your users about this topic, and you can do that by asking for user consent. Within the context of application security and privacy, this practice of collecting user consent consists of two components. First, you should be crystal clear about the data you're collecting from them. Don't use overly technical terms here. Use terms that non-technical users can understand. Second, you should tell them why you're collecting this data in the first place. What do you…
