From the course: ISC2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) (2023) Cert Prep

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Releasing software securely

Releasing software securely

- [Instructor] Your deployment process needs to account for the initial release of your software, as well as any subsequent release. Concepts like the CI/CD pipeline, secure software toolchains, and build artifact verification can help you manage these releases securely. As more and more development teams embrace DevOps, the need for application security professionals to understand this approach to software delivery continues to increase as well. DevOps brings both automation and orchestration into the software delivery process, and the CI/CD pipeline is a representation of that process. Ideally, the handoff from development teams to operations teams becomes a continuous loop, one that enables both teams to deliver services to the business more quickly, while simultaneously reducing errors along the way. And the emphasis on a continuous process is where we get the C in the CI/CD acronym. The continuous integration, or CI, responsibilities fall to the development team. They plan the…
