From the course: ISC2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) (2023) Cert Prep

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- [Instructor] Thank you so much for working through this course with me. I know it's a lot, but you've taken an important step toward gaining your CSSLP certification and advancing your application security career. More importantly, you've got a better understanding of what a comprehensive application security program looks like. Well, I hope you're already asking yourself what's next. First, take a break. You've earned it. Working through a cert prep course like this one is a commitment. If you want to post about your progress on LinkedIn, maybe share a link that lets other folks take the course, that'd be great. Make sure to tag me in it. But beyond that, I recommend that you step away from your laptop and relax for a bit. You can come back to individual course videos at any time to refresh your memory. If you're a reader like me, then you should pick up a copy of a CSSLP study guide. I think you'll find both guides. I mentioned the ISC Squared Guide and the All In One guide pretty…
