From the course: ISC2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) (2023) Cert Prep

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Least common mechanism

Least common mechanism

- [Instructor] Reusing existing code or app components has become the norm for development teams. Why reinvent the wheel when someone else has already written working code? If it works, use it to meet your deadlines. You can always improve on it later. The idea behind least common mechanism is that you actively work to find the right balance between which components you should reuse and which one should stand on their own. Server administrators have been applying least common mechanism for years. Put yourself in their position. A development team comes to you and says, we need servers for our web application. And you ask, well what exactly does your application do? They reply, well after they log in, the app stores info about their account in a database. They'll be able to upload files, and if they use a contact us page, it'll send us an email to our administrators. So they're asking for a web server, a database server, a file server, and an email server. The question for you is, do…
