From the course: ISC2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) (2023) Cert Prep

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Implement secure operations practices

Implement secure operations practices

- [Instructor] Building security into your applications takes a lot of effort, but you're not done when the app goes live. On the contrary, you're just getting started. Once that application is in production, you're on the hook for ensuring secure operations of the application and the app infrastructure. One important control is a defined change management process. Even if your app just went live a few minutes ago, the developers are already working on adding new features and fixing bugs that are still in their backlog. A healthy change management process provides a way for your developers and your DevOps engineers to communicate upcoming changes in a way that won't cause a disruption in your app's performance. Upgrading your database or rebooting an app server might be a change that would enhance the stability of your application, but not if you do it in the middle of the day when everyone's currently logged in. A change management process sets the expectations for describing the…
