From the course: ISC2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) (2023) Cert Prep

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Hardware and software configuration

Hardware and software configuration

- [Instructor] Ensuring security consistency over time is possible through secure configuration and version control. It's important that CSSLPs understand how to apply these concepts to hardware, software, documentation, interfaces, and even software security patches. Without hardware security, all of your software security efforts won't amount to much. Come to think of it, your software development efforts won't amount to much. After all, how would your app even run without the hardware to run on? Configuring a secure physical server and a secure physical network requires that you use trusted hardware. And trusted hardware comes from trusted suppliers. This is really more of a secure supply chain discussion though, which we'll cover in that later domain. Once you've got your trusted hardware up and running, you protect the configuration of that hardware by controlling physical access to the hardware. NIST and ISO both speak to data center physical security, in their security…
