From the course: ISC2 Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) (2023) Cert Prep

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Addressing risks

Addressing risks

- [Narrator] Finding risks is important, but not nearly as important as actually addressing those risks. Fortunately, risk management doesn't require an all or nothing approach. You have multiple options for how you can address risks. Before we dive into risk management techniques, though, I want to spend a moment on the concepts of vulnerability and risk. These two items are something used interchangeably, but be careful that you don't fall into that habit. A vulnerability is a weakness that if exploited could enable an attacker to do harm. When we use the term risk, though, it goes deeper than that. Risks take vulnerabilities into account and then add context to them. A risk includes a measurement of how likely an attack is to succeed, as well as a measurement of the potential damage that might result. Those measurements are crucial when it comes to prioritizing your actions and determining which risk management technique makes the most sense. The risk management option that most…
