From the course: iPhone Photography: Capturing and Editing Raw Photos

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Editing RAW files with Lightroom

Editing RAW files with Lightroom

- Whether you're using Adobe Lightroom on a Mac or a PC, the behavior is going to be the same. And that is that the Lightroom mobile app will by default actually sync to your Lightroom library in the Cloud. Meaning that when you get to your computer, the files should already be transferred, which is a great convenience. Let me show you how this works. You'll see here we have all the photos from our shoot, plus a few extras that we captured. And I really like how these have all come across. We can select the individual image, and then double-click to go into Edit mode. It's now easy to go through and audition the different candidates to see all of our choices. I like this one here. Now, what we can do is access the Edit controls. I see that this is an Apple ProRAW file. This is by default applying the color profile that is recommended for the camera. However, you can choose to look at other profiles. But what I notice…
