From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems
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Overview of IEEE IoT standards
From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems
Overview of IEEE IoT standards
- [Instructor] An IEEE initiative was launched in 2014 that focuses on topics in IoT, creating a variety offer related standards. The IEEE IT initiative serves as a platform for professionals to collaborate on research and development standards. It also serves as a reference to the global community of professionals working on technologies related to IT. Many of the IoT standards within IEEE are set by the IEEE Standards Association, IEEE-SA. Another IEEE group that develops standards for IoT is the IEEE Communication Society. The IEEE 2413 standard is directly related to IoT. The standard defines the architecture framework for the Internet of Things, including description of the various IoT domains and provides a reference model that defines relationships among various IoT systems and includes details about protection, security, privacy, and safety. This standard status is active, which means it's still being developed and…
Standards organizations1m 11s
Standards name format2m 41s
Standardization development process stages, part 12m 18s
Standardization development process stages, part 21m 7s
Standardization development process stages, part 32m 11s
Overview of IEEE IoT standards3m 25s
Standardization challenges53s