From the course: IoT Foundations: Standards and Ecosystems

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Legal issues

Legal issues

- [Instructor] A majority of IoT devices are used to collect user data and transfer the data to another place for data storage, assessment or analysis. Using sensitive personal data in this way can quickly become a legal issue. The main concern is that this data might be used by other parties for both beneficial and discrimination purposes, like health insurance, commuting, travel information, and so on. Consider using IoT devices for public safety, like surveillance cameras. An example is UK. The UK has a reputation around the world for being one of the highest users of surveillance cameras. An estimation is between four to 5.9 million cameras. Concerns were raised as this puts the privacy of the public at risk of being invaded on a mass scale without its consent due to the collection of big data with the integration of video surveillance. A couple of key questions are: Who become responsible for the footage, how long…
