From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Update old apps

Update old apps

- [Instructor] You've probably had it happen to you. There's a project in Swift three, you wanna look at or update. However there's a few changes in Swift four that require an annoying conversion process and the documentation is terrible on how to do it. Let's look at how to convert Swift three projects easily to Swift four. First you get an old but not too old file. By old I mean in Swift three. Swift two and older you have to convert to Swift three using X code eight before this will work. I'll use an old file of mine demonstrating navigation controllers which you can download from the GitHub repository. Open the project and you'll see two warnings on the project. Click on the warnings on top and you'll see the build warnings. The first is conversion to Swift four's available. If you click on that one, a window appears helping you convert it. Your target is selected so all you need to do is press next. The next question is the big deal. Swift four removed objective C inference for…
