From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
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Find addresses and nearby businesses - iOS Tutorial
From the course: iOS 18: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
Find addresses and nearby businesses
Now, let's take a look at working with the Maps app. From figuring out where you are in a strange city, to locating nearby restaurants and services, to seeing what the local traffic conditions are like. All of these capabilities and lots more are built into the Maps app. Let's tap Maps to open it up. Most of the time when you're using maps, you'll want to start out by figuring out where you currently are. Unless you were previously using another function like getting directions or searching for a business, maps should automatically hone in on and display your approximate location. If it doesn't, tap the Locate button in the upper right-hand corner. It looks like a compass pointer. After a moment, a blue dot will appear, giving you your location. Depending on where you are and whether you're getting a good GPS signal, the accuracy of your location may vary. Tapping the Locate button again rotates the map to orient it with the direction you're facing. So as I move my phone around, you…