From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Use Scribble on iPadOS

Use Scribble on iPadOS

- [Instructor] If you have an Apple pencil, you have yet another way to enter text and other content into documents on your iPad using a feature called Scribble. A Scribble lets you create an input content almost entirely with the Apple pencil without having to use the onscreen keyboard. So you can write by hand into any text fields that you find in your web browser or in messages or in calendar or mail and so on. Now, as I record this movie, Scribble works on iPads running in languages that include English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese. But you can expect this feature to be available in other languages in the near future as well. Now first let's go into settings to Apple Pencil and here make sure Scribble is enabled which it should be by default. So for example, I'll open up the Safari web browser and here I'm just going to use my Apple pencil and hand write the address or search term…
