From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Privacy settings

Privacy settings

- [Narrator] Now let's talk briefly about an issue that's very important to many people these days, privacy. To access privacy settings on your device go to Settings, and here we'll select Privacy & Security. And this is where you'll find the various privacy options you can manage. First option at the top here is Location Services. Essentially this is the setting that lets apps know where you physically are. This information is vital for some apps like Maps or the camera app if you want to be able to find your location or have location information embedded into the photos you shoot. Other apps might just want your location information so the app creators can keep stats on their user base. So in here you can turn all location services off with this master switch at the top of the screen. With location services off, no app will be able to access information on your current location or you can keep location services on and…
