From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Battery usage settings

Battery usage settings

- [Instructor] As we spend an increasing amount of time on our phones, it's become more and more important to manage the power usage of our devices. iOS includes a setting entirely for monitoring and managing your device's battery. Let's go into Settings, scroll down a bit, and here we'll find Battery. Now, at the top here, on certain newer models of iPhones, you'll see a Battery Percentage switch here. Enabling it displays the remaining Battery Percentage on the battery icon, like we see here. Mine's currently at 100%. Now, if you have a phone where this switch isn't available, you can always see your remaining Battery Percentage by pulling down Control Center, and you'll see it displayed next to the battery icon there. Next, we have Low Power Mode. Now, this feature can be useful when you're running low on battery power or even when you have a full charge, but you know you won't be able to plug in for several hours.…
