From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
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Add events to your calendar
From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training
Add events to your calendar
- [Instructor] Now let's see how to add events to the calendar. You can create a new event from any screen in the Calendar app where you have the plus button here in the upper right-hand corner and that's just about every screening calendar. So for example, let's say I have a doctor's checkup coming on December 5th. Let's jump to December from here in the year view and then tap the 5th to select it. To create a new event, I tap the plus button. And now on this screen where I can add the details of my event or appointment, the date is already correct because I selected it first. Now, you don't have to fill in all of these fields or make selections on all of them but you should at the very least add a title so you remember what you're supposed to do on this date. So with my cursor in the title field, I'll type physical. If I need to remember where this appointment is, I can tap in the location area and here I'll type downtown…