From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training

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Troubleshooting pins

Troubleshooting pins

- [Instructor] One of the biggest pain points in learning storyboards is resolving the issues that you run into when creating your auto layout pins. These usually happen when a pin gets deleted or an item gets manually moved or resized. So let's take a look at some different ways that you can resolve these issues. So the first thing I'm going to do is delete a pin. So in my layout here with my text field selected, I'm going to hover over this blue pin right at the top of the text field and click on it. It should have a white outline with a very slight shadow once you click on it, and then you can delete it with the Delete key on the keyboard. Now when you select the text field again, you see solid red lines, indicating a problem with your auto layout issues. Remember, if you're going to use auto layout pins, Xcode needs position and size information for each item using pins. When any of that information is not there…
