From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training
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SwiftUI fundamentals
From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training
SwiftUI fundamentals
- [Instructor] SwiftUI uses a swift language-based declarative syntax for creating user interfaces. You can create a SwiftUI project by choosing the interface option when creating a new Xcode project, just like we did with the storyboard. Let's create one by using the create project button from the welcome screen. Under iOS, choose app and hit next. We'll call this SwiftUI Basics, just like that. For the interface, choose SwiftUI instead of storyboard, and then hit next. And now I'm going to save this in the exercise files folders, chapter three, fundamentals final, and if you're following along with the exercise files, you can make a new folder here or save the project somewhere else. So let's hit create and we've successfully created a SwiftUI project. While in Storyboards, the preview of your app is in a separate file from your code, SwiftUI gives you the preview in the same file. The UI preview is called a…
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