From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training
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Solution: SwiftUI
From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training
Solution: SwiftUI
- [Instructor] Here is a solution to this challenge. All I'm going to do is just copy the HStack, just like this, command C to copy, command V to paste, and then change the color, and then change the text just like that. Except we might not want to have a blue sun. You'd have to change the system names as well based on values you find in the SF Symbols app. If you didn't catch where to get the SF Symbols app, watch the challenge movie for this challenge. When you're done doing that, you should have something similar to this, with each day of the week having a different icon. And again, this is one solution to the challenge, and if you found another way to do it, that is wonderful.
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