From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training

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Setting an app icon

Setting an app icon

- [Instructor] What app is complete without an icon? Now, I want to point out before we add an icon to our application, that this is exactly the same process whether you're working in a storyboard or with SwiftUI. So, what we'll do is we'll open up the navigator, and inside of the project navigator, find your Assets catalog. So, it's called Assets, it should be right under Week. And then in there, you're going to see App icon. So, select that, and then you're going to see the outline of a square! And inside of that, you'll see 1,024 x, 1,024 px. And that's telling you that in order to supply an application icon, you need an image that is 1,024 pixels squared! So, you'll have to create that image! One thing that's really important to keep in mind here, is that the rounding of corners for iOS apps happens at the operating system level. So, when you provide an image, you should not provide it with rounded corners. It…
