From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training
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Loading images in SwiftUI
From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training
Loading images in SwiftUI
- [Instructor] So far when we've worked with images, what we've done is used the system name with a string. As I mentioned previously, these strings come from a preset list of icons. But what if you want to load your own image into a Swift UI project? To do that, let's load an image just below this H stack in our parent V stack. So I'm going to create a new line underneath the closed curly brace of the H stack. And in here we'll create an image in just a second. But first what we're going to do is import our icon image. We can do that through the navigator. So open up the project navigator and then head over to Assets. And we're going to add a new asset by clicking the plus button at the bottom of this menu. So from there I'll just hit Import, and then I'm going to import this from the desktop. So I'll go to Exercise Files, Assets, and then open up this icon file. So with that open, let's go back to our content view.…
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