From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Sync photos, contacts, and calendars from your computer

Sync photos, contacts, and calendars from your computer

From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

Sync photos, contacts, and calendars from your computer

- [Instructor] Now let's take a look at how to sync photos from your computer to your iOS device. The process is pretty similar to syncing music. I'm going to come up here to the top and click Photos. And all I have to do here is check Sync Photos, and then select where I want the photos to come from. Now, you can only sync your photos from one location on your computer, so it matters where you store the photos you want to copy to your device. You can choose your Pictures folder, which is located in your Home or User folder. And you can also choose any other folder on your computer if you have your photos stored elsewhere. But if you're on a Mac and you have the Apple Photos app installed, you'll use it to manage and organize your digital photos, and you'll want to select Photos from this menu. This won't apply to Windows users, but let me quickly run through this for Mac users. Now, the default setting is to copy all of…
