From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Storage management options

Storage management options

- [Instructor] iOS offers an easy way to view and manage your device's storage space. Go into Settings, General, and select iPhone Storage, or iPad Storage if you're on an iPad. And here at the top, we see this bar detailing how much space is being used and what types of media or content are using that space. This can give you an idea of where you might need to start deleting content to free up space. For example, if you see that photos are taking up a lot of space, it may be time to start going through your camera roll and deleting unneeded pictures. Below that bar, we see a Recommendation section. What you see in this area depends on your available storage space and the type of contents stored on your device. You may see a suggestion to review large attachments and messages to see if you can delete any of the photos or videos that have been texted to you over the years or you may see a recommendation to review the…
