From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Screen recording

Screen recording

- [Instructor] In iOS and iPadOS, it's possible to not only take still screenshots of your device but also to do full video screen recordings. This is useful whenever you need to record an action or event taking place on your screen that a simple screenshot won't capture. Screen recording is initiated from Control Center. But the button we need isn't here by default. So first we need to go into Settings, to Control Center. And we'll find the Screen Recording button right here. I'll add that. And now, when I open up Control Center, we have the Record button down here. I'll tap it. That gives us a three-second countdown. And now I'm recording my screen directly on the phone itself. I'll just swipe across a few screens here, maybe open an image. And when you're done recording, tap the red bar at the top of the screen. I'll say, "Stop." And I get a notification that the recording has been saved to my Photos app and I can…
