From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Invite others with FaceTime links

Invite others with FaceTime links

- Prior to the release of iOS 15, FaceTime calls were limited to just iOS devices and Macs. But iOS 15 brought the ability to create links to a FaceTime call that you can send to anyone, including Android and Windows users, to join you on a FaceTime call. Just open up the FaceTime app, and here tap Create Link. That opens this Share Sheet, where you can choose to send a link to any of the suggested people in the top row or through apps like Messages, Mail, and so on. It's usually a good idea to tap Add Name and enter a name for your FaceTime call. (keyboard clicking) And this can be useful if you're setting up a meeting so people know what they're clicking on. Then choose a method for sharing your link. Again, you can tap a person or an app, or even tap Copy here to copy the link so you can paste it into another app. For example, I'll tap Mail, and that generates an email message that says, Join my FaceTime, and you can…
