From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Dark mode

Dark mode

- iOS and iPad iOS include a dark mode option. This is a feature that displays apps in the interface in darker color combinations on the screen, which can help reduce strain on your eyes at night, or when you're in a dimly lit environment. You can enable dark mode both manually or automatically on a schedule. Go into settings, to display and brightness, and here at the top, you'll find the light and dark options. So I'm currently in the regular light mode, but if I tap dark, we immediately switch over to the dark color palette and you can see how this can be less straining on your eyes, especially at night or when you're in a dark room. Notice we have this automatic switch down here, turning that on gives us some options below it. So right now dark is selected since it's currently evening where I am, and you can see that it says dark until 7:00 AM. And at that point it will automatically switch to light mode. Or if I select…
