From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Customize the Control Center

Customize the Control Center

- Okay, let's take a look at how to customize the items that appear here in Control Center. To do so, go into Settings, and here, find Control Center. And notice here, we have two sections labeled Included Controls and More Controls. The items found under Included Controls are the ones that are currently active in Control Center. So we have Flashlight, Timer, Calculator, Camera. And if I open up Control Center, we can see those buttons here along the bottom. And you're free to rearrange the order of these, or even delete some if you don't use them very often. So I might get rid of the Calculator, for example. Notice that adds it here under More Controls, so if I wanted to add the calculator back to Control Center, and if I open it, you can see it's currently not there. But here I can tap the plus button next to Calculator, and it gets added back here at the top. And again, I'm free to rearrange its order on the list here.…
