From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Configure Auto-Lock

Configure Auto-Lock

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're going to look at some iOS features designed to protect both you and your device. The first feature I want to look at is Auto-Lock. The Auto-lock feature refers to the iPhone and iPad's default behavior of turning off the screen after a minute or so of inactivity. This is to guard against you accidentally tapping an icon or dialing a number from the iPhone while it's in your pocket. It also acts as a battery conservation feature. Go to Settings, Display & Brightness, and here you'll find Auto-Lock. Here, you can choose to allow anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes of inactivity before your device locks the screen. If you're on an iPad, you can choose a two, five, 10, or 15-minute interval. Now, iOS devices also dim the screen a couple of seconds before they lock the screen. But notice down here it says at the bottom, Attention is detected when you're looking at the screen, and…
