From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Complete forms with AutoFill

Complete forms with AutoFill

- [Instructor] As you probably know, filling out forms can get a little tedious and time-consuming on the iPhone's keyboard. Fortunately, Safari and iOS includes an autofill feature, which fills in your name, address and passwords automatically, when you type in form fields. To activate the autofill feature, go into Settings, to Safari, and then tap Autofill. The first item here is use contact info. By turning that on, you're telling Safari to use the contact information for yourself in your list of contacts. Make sure it's your name that appears in the My Info area. If it doesn't, tap the My Info area, which opens up your contact list and then find your personal info and select it. As long as you use leave contact info on, anytime you tap into a field where you have to enter your name, address, phone number and so on, you'll be able to tap an autofill button, which will fill out the form with the info from…
