From the course: iOS 15 and iPadOS: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Begin by restarting

Begin by restarting

- [Instructor] In this final chapter, we're going to be looking at some solutions for the occasional times in your day-to-day use of your iOS device, where it might start acting a little weird. Maybe an app keeps quitting unexpectedly, or maybe your device isn't connecting to the internet. If your device is acting strangely, you can refer to this chapter for some things you can try. Now, the first thing I always recommend trying, whether it's an iPhone, iPad, your computer, or any other electronic device is to restart it. It always surprises me how some people will never try this very simple step, which fixes many temporary problems before they start getting into all kinds of complicated attempts to fix an issue. So to restart an iPhone 10 or later, press and hold one of the volume buttons and the side button for a couple of seconds, until you see these slide to power off slider. Incidentally, this also brings up the…
