From the course: Introduction to Web Design and Development

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Challenge: Write HTML and CSS

Challenge: Write HTML and CSS

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] I have a challenge for you. This will give a bit of practice working with HTML and CSS. Ready? For this challenge, open and fork this CodePen, or if you're continuing from the previous video, continue to use your own code. And make at least three changes to enhance this web page. If you are forking this CodePen, go down to the bottom of the screen here, look for this button here that says Fork, click it. That will make a copy of my challenge here, this document and copy it into your own CodePen space so you can make your own changes to this. If you want to work with HTML, make a second section with a class of hidden. Give it some different content. When you click the button, both sections should appear. As you build this second section, you may want to click your button once to have the sections open so you can see them while you style them. I recommend looking at the CSS in particular. You may want to do things like changing colors. If you have color…
