From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
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Reviewing the cut - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
Reviewing the cut
- Okay, so let's just take a moment to review the short documentary all the way through. Remember all the things you're looking for. That we've got a solid foundation that tells us an engaging story and that we've got interesting B roll and process footage to help supplement that story and also, notice how the music and titles add to the overall viewing experience. (french accordion music) - [Voiceover] I own my recipe, I own my own creations. So various recipes that I already created in France before we came to California. Then when we got the place here I started with only 21 different chocolates and now we have 36 different flavor plus one I do every month. I do a different one. So we have three different process. One, it's a the truffle, so the truffle it's all handmade so we do the ganards, then we pipe the ganards, then I roll it then after we dip them in the chocolate. Then we have a second kind is the one who is made with the mold like the fish. Then it's another kind, is the…
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