From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
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Organizing the assets - Premiere Pro Tutorial
From the course: Introduction to Video Editing
Organizing the assets
- Okay, let's start looking at our assets in planning out this edit. We already know a bit about the story from our pre-visualization materials. Becoming acquainted with those previous materials is important, but even more important is becoming very familiar with all of the footage. So let's take a look at that. Now I've got a lot of stuff here, nearly 500 gigabytes. You certainly don't have all of this in your exercise files, but I did at least wanna show you how it was organized when I got it. And, just so you know, when you get footage, it may be a lot less organized than this. Many times you're just given the footage as it comes off of the camera cards, and you'll need to categorize it further. But, as you can see, we've got a pretty nice layout here. There are three folders detailing what was shot on each day. And, if you look at how everything is labeled, it looks like we've got four cameras for nearly every single shot. Now this corresponds with what we know from our camera…
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