From the course: Introduction to Product Security

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Why is product security so important?

Why is product security so important?

From the course: Introduction to Product Security

Why is product security so important?

- [Instructor] Product security requires a multidimensional approach to securing products at every step of their development lifecycle. Products are created for users and customers, and our customers expect the product to not only work as intended, but not to cause harm. Most of us have become victims of a cyber attack based on a product that we use. The product has been compromised, and we receive an email that our information has been exposed. Product and cybersecurity teams do their best to prevent this, but aren't always successful. Product security is essential to the technological design, development and deployment mechanisms of a product, ensuring the protection of intellectual property, the data it handles and the customers that use it. So why is product security so important? Because the business's reputation is tied to the product's success and the customers that use the product. Customer trust has become the component of product security that fascinates me. Particularly in…
