From the course: Introduction to Cloud Computing for IT Pros
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From the course: Introduction to Cloud Computing for IT Pros
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- [Instructor] Up next is an excellent tool for uploading files to the cloud, where they can then be shared with others if you so choose. It's called Box, or to be specific. You can sign up for free and get a limited amount of space, or you can purchase an upgraded account if and when you need more space. So let's take a look at Box. Firstly, when you log into your Box account, you'll arrive at the root folder, where you can view current files and folders that you may have already created and uploaded. Now, you can also create folders, which can be private or shared. When we go up to the top right corner and click the New button, you'll see a number of different options. First of all, at the top is where we go to upload files or entire folders if we wanted to. But below that is where we create folders. There's something called Box Canvas for drawing and notes. Box Notes is where you can actually create notes and share them with others. And there are a number of templates to…