From the course: Instructional Design: Needs Analysis

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Selecting data sources

Selecting data sources

Once we have our research questions, it's time to select sources of data that will provide the answers we're looking for. There's seemingly endless possible data sources. So this video will focus on several common examples. I'll also share some tips to help you select the right data sources for your project. Generally speaking, it's important to balance cost, convenience and effectiveness when searching for data sources. We've been using an interviewing skills training class as an example throughout this course. The audience for that training includes 50 supervisors. I could schedule interviews with each of them or observe each one conducting an interview, but that would take too much time and money. A more cost effective way to gather similar data would be to interview and observe a few supervisors to get some general ideas. We could then survey the rest of the potential audience to confirm what we learned. Let's take a look at some typical data sources you might use for a Needs…
