From the course: InDesign: Tables

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Working with alternating strokes

Working with alternating strokes - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Tables

Working with alternating strokes

- You may have seen alternating fills on InDesign tables but a lot of people don't know, you can also have alternating strokes on InDesign tables and they can be pretty useful too. Let's take a look. I'll move this table over a little bit so that we can see the dialog. We'll go to the Table menu to Table Options and notice that we can have Alternating Row Strokes or Alternating Column Strokes. Let's start with Alternating Row Strokes. Just like with Alternating Fills, we have an Alternating Pattern of Every Other Row, Every Second Row, or we can even set Custom patterns. I'm going to choose a Pattern of Every Other Row and then I'm going to set some colors. Let me make the Weight here three points so that we can see this and just like in our Stroke panel, we have different types of strokes we can use and I'm going to change the color here to green. And we'll just leave the next row at the default of a quarter point, black. Notice that this first stroke didn't change here on the top…
