From the course: InDesign: Tables

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Setting table borders

Setting table borders - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Tables

Setting table borders

- Regardless of the size or shape of your Table, or how many rows or columns it has, every Table shares a common Border on the outside. This is one of our Table level formatting options. It's really easy to set up. Let me show you how. I'm going to select this Table by clicking in the upper left corner and then I'm going to right mouse click and we're going to go to our Table Options dialog, under Table Setup. In this dialog, we have an area to set up our Table Border, which is going to go all the way around the Table. You'll notice this looks a lot like the options in the Stroke panel. We can change the Weight of the Border, we can choose different types of lines or dashes, we can apply a Color, a Tint, and if we're using a dashed or dotted line, we can set the Gap color. That looks familiar, doesn't it? Let's set a Border for this Table. I'll make this 5 pt and we'll change the Color. I want to choose kind of a light Color. When I click OK, and deselect, shift + cmd or shift + ctrl…
