From the course: InDesign: Tables

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Setting row height and column width

Setting row height and column width - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: InDesign: Tables

Setting row height and column width

- Regardless of whether or not you apply any kind of formatting to a table to make it pretty, you're almost always going to need to adjust the size of the cells on your table. So we're going to take a look at adjusting column width and row height of table cells. Here I have a table that I just placed using the basic table style. So it came in at the width of the text frame with the columns evenly divided. The easiest way to change column width or row height is to use the Type tool. Simply place your cursor on a stroke between two cells and mouse down and pull it over. Notice that I get this double-headed arrow when I mouse over that stroke. So I've made that first column wider, and now I can come over and make these next three columns narrower. If I hold down the Shift key, I can mouse down and drag over, and in this case, all the columns resized proportionately. I can change row height the same way. Again, just mouse over, wait till I get the double-headed arrow, and then mouse down…
