From the course: InDesign: Tables
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Setting diagonal lines in tables - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign: Tables
Setting diagonal lines in tables
- Once in awhile we have a table that requires diagonal lines in a table cell or cells. These diagonal lines might be used to show information that doesn't exist. Or maybe to X through information, like prices of an item before the sales price takes effect, that sort of thing. Fortunately InDesign has controls that make it really easy to add diagonal lines to table cells. I'm going to select a couple of cells in this table, and delete the content by pressing the Delete key. So now we have some cells without any information in them. To add diagonal lines, let me move my table over just a little bit so we have room for the dialogue. I'm going to right mouse click and go to Cell Options. Diagonal Lines. This dialogue is pretty straight forward. We have various controls for the kind of stroke or diagonal line that we want drawn in the cell. And then at the top, there are different diagonal lines here. We can go from one side to the other, or in reverse, or we can put an X in the cell…
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